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Magnification is inversely proportional to the diameter of the field of view.

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Q: What is the relationship between magnification and the diameter of the field of view?
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What is the relationship between the diameter of the microscope field and its magnification?

As the magnification of a microscope increases, the diameter of the field of view decreases. This is because higher magnification allows for more detailed observation of objects, but with a narrower field of view. Conversely, lower magnification provides a wider field of view but with less magnification.

What is the relationship between the size of the field of view and magnification?

As you increase the magnification, the field of view decreases.

What is the relationship between the size of the field of view and the magnification?

As you increase the magnification, the field of view decreases.

How do you calculate field diameter?

Field diameter is calculated by measuring the distance across the field of view of a microscope, then dividing that measurement by the magnification of the objective lens being used. This gives you the field diameter in micrometers.

What is the diameter of the field of view is 5.6mm at 40x?

The field of view's diameter is inversely proportional to magnification; thus, the 5.6mm diameter at 40x magnification would become 140mm at 1x magnification. Mathematically, Field of view diameter = FOV1 / Magnification1 = FOV2 / Magnification2.

What happend to the depth of field if magnification increases?

The higher the magnification the lower the depth of field.

What is the difference between a microscope's magnification and field of view?

Magnification refers to how much larger an object appears under the microscope compared to the naked eye, while field of view is the diameter of the area visible through the microscope lens at a given magnification. In simple terms, magnification is how big, and field of view is how much you can see.

What is the relationship between the size of the field of view from a microscope and the objective used to observe the field?

As the magnification of the objective increases, the FOV decreases

What is the relationship between magnification and light intensity of the field?

less light intensity gives a better vision

What is the relationship between changing the magnification and its effect on the size of the field of veiw?

As magnification increases, the field of view decreases. This is because higher magnification enlarges the image being viewed, resulting in a smaller portion of the specimen being visible in the field of view. Conversely, decreasing magnification expands the field of view, allowing more of the specimen to be seen at once.

Under high power magnification the field diameter is 400 calculate the size of the organism?

To calculate the size of the organism, you would need to know the magnification of the microscope being used. Comparing the field diameter at 400x magnification with the actual size of the organism would give you the scale factor to determine the organism's size. For example, if the field diameter at 400x is 0.5 mm, and the actual size is 50 micrometers, then the organism is 10 times smaller than the field diameter.

How do you calculate the field diameter of the medium power lens?

To calculate the field diameter of a medium power lens, you need to first determine the field number of the lens. The field number is typically provided by the manufacturer and represents the diameter of the field of view in millimeters. To calculate the field diameter, you divide the field number by the magnification of the lens. Field diameter = Field number / Magnification.