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Sum of the fractions = sum of numerators divided by their common denominator.

Adding Fractions rule implies to addition of fractions having same denominator and as well as adding fractions with different denominators.

So rule for adding fractions having the same denominator is add the numerators and simplify

For example : 3/5 + 2/5 + 9/5

= (3 + 2 + 9)/5 [add the numerators]

= 14/5

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Q: What is the rule in adding fractions having the same denominator?
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What is the rule for adding fractions?

They have to have a common denominator

What is the rule for subtracting fractions?

First, change it so that the two fractions have the same denominator (by changing the fractions into equivalent fractions). Once the two fractions have the same denominator, it is simply a case of subtracting the numerators, leaving the denominator the same. Finally, reduce the fraction to its lowest terms (if possible).

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Rule #1 When two fractions have the same denominator, the bigger fraction is the one with the bigger numerator. Rule # 2 When comparing fractions that have the same numerator, the bigger fraction is the one with the smaller denominator. Rule # 3 You can convert the fractions and then just put the greater than, less than or equal to sign to see what the comparison is between the fractions.

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A general rule for multiplying fractions: You shall not multiply the denominator by the whole number,only the numerator.Another rule is you shall make the whole number as a fraction by putting the whole number as the numerator and 1 as the denominator before multiplying it.

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Multiply the denominator by the whole number, add the numerator, and put that total over the denominator.

Do the adding fractions rule apply to subracting?

Yes inasmuch that the denominators of the fractions must be common to each other.

What is the rule of adding and subtracting different denominator?

Find the lowest common denominator by finding the lowest common multiple of the denominators

What is a rule for ordering fractions with the same denominator?

If they have the same denominator, then (assuming the denominator is positive), igbore the denominator for determining the order. That is, order the numbers by their numerators. In the unlikely event that the denominator is negative, the above method will give the reverse order.

How do you get a common denominator for subtracting fractions?

you gotta find tyhe width of they nile river and substiture into the cosine rule before dividing by the velocity of the amazon rainforest

What is the state rule for dividing fractions?

Take the 2nd fraction, switch the denominator with the numerator, multiply across, simplify.

What is the rule for adding fractions with unlike denominators?

You convert them, using equivalent fractions, so that they have the same denominator - a common multiple of the deniminators. Then the denominator of the sum is the common multiple while the numerator is the sum of numerators of the converted fractions. Finally, you need to check if the answer can be simplified. Students are often instructed that they must use the least common multiple (LCM). This is not necessary: any common multiple will do, though the LCM will require smaller numbers and so may be easier.

What is the invert and multiply rule in mathematics?

You may be referring to the rule for dividing fractions. To divide one fraction by another, you invert the second fraction (exchange numerator and denominator), and multiply instead.