Same value -- different formats 37/100 (fraction) = 0.37 (decimal) = 37%
EX. 1.1=1 1 10
These are all the same number:decimal 0.03077fraction 2/65percent 3.077%
A decimal rational number can be expressed as a fraction A decimal irrational number can not be expressed as a fraction
The value is the same, the whole number ( to the left of the decimal point ) is the same, but the fraction of 1 ( to the right of the decimal point) can be expressed as either a fraction or a decimal depending on its use, so for example: 1.375 is the same as 1 3/8
All decimals are worked in devisions of 10. Fraction can be a division of any number.
A decimal is said the same as the fraction. 0.2 is said as two tenths,so the fraction is 2 . ---- 10
It is already expressed as a decimal and it is the same as 4.441
Neither, they are the same. For instance the decimal number 0.75 is equal to the fraction of 3/4.
A decimal becase a decimal can be any fraction
0.675689 is a terminating decimal between the two given numbers and its equivalent fraction is 675689/1000000.