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The number next to "x" is the slope, so the slope for y=3x+4 is 3(rise) over 1(run) or 3(up) 1(right) ; 3/1.

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Q: What is the slope of y equals 3x plus 4?
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If: 3x+4y = 4 Then: y = -3/4x+1 and so the slope is -3/4 or -0.75 with a y intercept of 1

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The general equation of a line is: y = mx + b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. 3x + y = 4 y = -3x + 4 The slope is -3.

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- 1/3

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y=3x+3 -- This could be the formula for a line, where the slope is 3 and the y intercept is (0,3). In the next line the slope would be 4 and the y-intercept would be 5

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