It is LCM(23, 4) = 92.
418 multiplied by 23 is 9,614
23 is not divisible by 7.
2520. The number needs to have a prime factorization of 23*32*5*7=2520.
Multiply the last digit by 7. Subtract that number from the remaining digits. If that number is divisible by 23, then the original number is divisible by 23.
23 is a prime number so it is not divisible by 3. It is only divisible by 1 and 23. Dividing 23 by three gives the result of 7.6r
23 is divisible by 2. So it is an odd number
Apart from itself and 1, the number 3013 is divisible by 23 and 131.
It is divisible by 23.