Not necessarily.
multiply by the reciprocal of the whole number
Yes. If you mean dividing a whole number INTO a fraction here is how you do it. Take the whole number and write it as a fraction where the whole number is the numerator (top part of the fraction) and the number "1" is the denominator (the bottom part of the fraction). Now, turn that fraction upsides down so that the "1" is on top and the whole number is on the bottom. Multiply the numerator of the original fraction times the "1" giving you the original numerator as the new numerator. Multiply the whole number times the original denominator giving you the new denominator. If you means dividing the fraction into the whole number it is similar. Write the whole number as a fraction (as above) with 1 in the denominator. Then flip the fraction over and multiply the two numerators, the two denominators and you have your answer.
The same way as multiplying a whole number by an ordinary fraction: Multiply the numerator (top number) by the whole number and put it over the original denominator (bottom number). This can then be simplified by dividing the numerator and denominator by their highest common factor; or it can be converted into a decimal (which could be a whole number) by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
A fraction is just a number. It's as real as any whole number (or decimal).
It is the ratio of one whole number to another whole number, which may be expressed as a fraction. The ratio (or fraction) may be simplified by dividing both numbers by the greatest common factor.
The whole number will stay the same. Convert the proper fraction part of the mixed number to a decimal by dividing the denominator into the numerator. 2 and 3/8 = 2.375
Yes, it can. Inthis case the fraction is equal tothe whole number of the numerator, since you are dividing by 1
13% is a fraction and you cannot represent it as a whole number. You can convert it to a whole number by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing (or other operations) but that would not be the same number then.
Dividing by decimal is different from dividing by whole number as you have to multiply by a number to remove the decimal.
The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
When dividing by fractions, multiply the whole number by the reciprocal of the fraction. In this case, it's the same as multiplying the whole number by the denominator. 5 divided by 1/2 = 5 x 2/1 = 10