A fraction is just a number. It's as real as any whole number (or decimal).
No. Negative four is a real number. All real numbers are also complex numbers, so it is a complex number (but it's real, not nonreal)
An example would be a negative number found from using the quadratic formula. That can possibly result from an equation that cannot be set into factored form due to the lack of common factors. Imaginary numbers can be considered nonreal. 2i = 2 times radical -1 The radical looks like the pulse monitor you see in hospitals, fyi.
You could use algebra in real life in nearly anything that you do. You could use algebra to calculate how much gas you will put in your car and how much it will cost you.
Algebra helps you solve real-world problems that you will face when you are on your own.
No. Negative four is a real number. All real numbers are also complex numbers, so it is a complex number (but it's real, not nonreal)
In algebra, one solution means that there is only one real value x that will satisfy its equation.
One is a complex number and a real number.
Yes repeating decimals are real numbers. They can fall under the category of rational numbers under real numbers since their repeating decimal patterns allows them to be converted into a fraction. Nonreal numbers are imaginary numbers which are expressed with i, or sqrt(-1).
An example would be a negative number found from using the quadratic formula. That can possibly result from an equation that cannot be set into factored form due to the lack of common factors. Imaginary numbers can be considered nonreal. 2i = 2 times radical -1 The radical looks like the pulse monitor you see in hospitals, fyi.
You could use algebra in real life in nearly anything that you do. You could use algebra to calculate how much gas you will put in your car and how much it will cost you.
There can be no solution to an algebra equation because of limitations of the domain. For example,x+3 = 2 has no solution if the domain for x is the set of positive integers,x*3 = 2 has no solution if the domain for x is the set of whole numbers,x^3 = 2 has no solution if the domain for x is the set of rational numbers,x^2 = -2 has no solution if the domain for x is the set of real numbers.Alternatively, the equation has no solution if it can be reduced to a false statement. For example,x + 2 = x + 3 can be simplified to 2 = 3 which is false and so there is no solution.
Algebra helps you solve real-world problems that you will face when you are on your own.
Herbert A. Hollister has written: 'Techniques of algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'Algebra and trigonometry' -- subject(s): Algebra, Trigonometry 'The real estate math primer' -- subject(s): Mathematics, Real estate business
Yes it is infact a real number in algebra