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Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "times", "equals", and inequlity symbols.

All that is visible here are two expressions separated by a space: no inequality sign at all!

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Q: What is the solution set of the inequality 7 x5?
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There can be no answer because there is no inequality in the question.

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Is 7 a solution of an inequality?

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If 7 > 3x - 2 then x < 3.

Is 5 a solution to 4x plus 7?

4x + 7 is an expression, not an equation. Only an equation (or an inequality) can have solutions, an expression cannot have a solution.

What is the inequality solution of -7b less than 49?

-7b < 49Remember, when dividing or multiplying by negative numbers, the sign of the inequality is flipped.Therefore:b > -7

How does solving linear inequality differ from solving linear equation?

Linear inequalities are equations, but instead of an equal sign, it has either a greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or a less than or equal to sign. Both can be graphed. Solving linear equations mainly differs from solving linear inequalities in the form of the solution. 1. Linear equation. For each linear equation in x, there is only one value of x (solution) that makes the equation true. The equation: x - 3 = 7 has one solution, that is x = 10. The equation: 3x + 4 = 13 has one solution that is x = 3. 2. Linear inequality. On the contrary, a linear inequality has an infinity of solutions, meaning there is an infinity of value of x that make the inequality true. All these x values constitute the "solution set" of the inequality. The answers of a linear inequality are expressed in the form of intervals. The linear inequality x + 5 &lt; 9 has as solution: x &lt; 4. The solution set of this inequality is the interval (-infinity, 4) The inequality 4x - 3 &gt; 5 has as solution x &gt; 2. The solution set is the interval (2, +infinity). The intervals can be open, closed, and half closed. The open interval (1, 4) ; the 2 endpoints 1 and 4 are not included in the solution set. The closed interval [-2, 5] ; the 2 end points -2 and 5 are included. The half-closed interval [3, +infinity) ; the end point 3 is included.

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Explain how solving -7y > 161 is different from solving 7y > -161?

Sample response: Both inequalities use the division property to isolate the variable, y. When you divide by a negative number, like –7, you must reverse the direction of the inequality sign. When you divide by a positive number, like 7, the inequality sign stays the same. The solution to the first inequality is y &gt; -23, and the solution to the second inequality is y

Define solution of a linear inequality in two variable?

If the equal sign in a linear equation in two variables is replaced with an inequality symbol, the result is a linear inequality in two variables. 3x-2y&gt;7 x&lt;-5

How do you graph an inequality?

Through signs of inequality Solve each inequality Graph the solution? 2(m-3)+7&lt;21 4(n-2)-6&gt;18 9(x+2)&gt;9(-3)