

What is the sum of 0 to 100?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is the sum of 0 to 100?
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its 5035the summarian notation tells you that(sum of all #from 0 to a number'N'(sum of all #from 0 to N) = (n)+(n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+...+(2) +(1) or(sum of all #from 0 to N) = (1)+ (2) + (3) + (4)+...+(n-1)+(n)the two different sums are aligned by columns. now add the two colunms accordingly and you'll get2x(sum of all #from 0 to N)=(n+1)+(n+1)+...+(n+1) (n+1)is added n timesso2x(sum of all #from 0 to N) =n(n+1)(sum of all #from 0 to N) =n(n+1)/2so (sum of 5 to 100) = (sum of 0 to 100)- (sum of 0 to 5)=100(101)/2 - 5(6)/2 = 5050 - 15 = 5035

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#include using std::cout;using std::endl;int main(){int sum = 0;cout

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main() { int i,sumo=0,sume=0,oddno,evenno; for(i=1,oddno=1,evenno=2;i<=100;++i,oddno=oddno+2,evenno=evenno+2) { sumo=sumo + oddno; sume=sume + evenno; } printf("Sum of odd nos = %d And Sum of even nos = %d,sumo,sume); }