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The interior angles of any polygon add up to the number of sides - 2, times 180 degrees. For an octagon this is 180 x 6 with is 1080 degrees, thus:

The sum of the interior angles of a regular octagon is 1080 degrees

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Q: What is the sum of the interior angles of a regular octagon?
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Related questions

What are the total number of degrees of all the interior angles of a regular octagon?

The sum of all the interior angles of a regular octagon is 360 degrees.

What is the sum of the interior angles of an octagon?

sum interior angles = (number of sides - 2) × 180°= (8 - 2) × 180°= 1080°The sum of the interior angles of an octagon is 1080°In a regular octagon, divide by 8 for each angle = 135°.

What is the interior sum of an octagon?

The sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is found with the formula: (n-2)180. For a regular octagon with 8 sides, the sum of the interior angles would be: (8-2)180 = 1080 degrees. This only works for regular polygons whose sides and angles are congruent.

What is the sum of the known angles of a octagon?

Sum of interior angles of an octagon= 1080˚

What is the sum of the interior angles in the regular octagon?

360 degrees * * * * * No, that is the sum of the Exterior angles. The sum of the interior angles is 180*(8 - 2) = 180*6 = 1080 degrees.

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles in a regular octagon?

360 degrees is the interior angle for anything that is enclosed.

Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of an octagon?

ANY n-sided polygon has interior angles that sum to 180(n - 2) degrees. For an octagon this is 180 x 6 ie 1080 degrees (so the individual interior angles of a regular octagon are 135 degrees).

Find the sum of the interior angles of a regular octagon?

(8-2)*180 = 1080 degrees

What is the sum of the interior octagon?

The sum of the interior angles of an 8 sided octagon add up to 1080 degrees

What is the sum of a regular octagon's interier angle?

The 8 interior angles add up to 1080 degrees

How many degrees is an octagon?

The 8 interior angles of an octagon add up to 1,080 degrees.

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