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The 6 interior angles add up to 720 degrees

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Q: What is the sum of the measures of a interior angle of a regular hexagon?
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What is an interior angle of a hexagon?

Providing that it is a regular hexagon each interior angle measures 120 degrees

What is the sum of the measures of one of the interior angles of the regular hexagon?

One interior angle of a hexagon is 120 degrees.

What is the measue of one interior angle of a hexagon?

Providing that it's a regular 6 sided hexagon each interior angle measures 120 degrees

What is the difference between the interior and exterior angles of a hexagon?

Providing that it is a regular hexagon then the each interior angle measures 120 degrees and each exterior angle measures 60 degrees

Find the sum of the interior measures of a regular hexagon?

Each interior angle of a regular hexagon measures 120 degrees. It has a total of 720 degrees of interior angles and a total of 360 degrees of exterior angles.

What is the number of sides of a regular hexagon if one interior angle measures 165.6?

A regular hexagon ... or for that matter, any hexagon ... always has 6 sides.

How would you find the measures of each interior angle of a hexagon?

You cannot - unless it is a regular hexagon. And there is nothing in the question to suggest that you can assume it is a regular hexagon.

What is the angle of a hexagon?

It depends on a few factors: if the angle is interior, if the angle is exterior, and if the hexagon is a regular hexagon or not. Each interior angle of a regular hexagon is 120o. Each exterior angle of a regular hexagon is 60o.

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What is the sum of the interior angle measures of a regular hexagon?

The 6 inside angles of a hexagon add up to 720 degrees

What do the angle measures of a regular hexagon add up to?

the sum of the angles of the regular hexagon will be 800*.

What is the interior angle of a regular hexagon?

120 degress