The take off formula of a 45 degree elbow pipe, will depend on what the pipe is on. Sometimes a 45 degree pipe will need a 90 degree right angle turn to come off.
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Well, honey, when you roll an 8-inch 90-degree pipe fitting 45 degrees, you're looking at a take off of about 8 inches. It's simple geometry, darling. Just remember, always measure twice and cut once - ain't nobody got time for mistakes in the world of piping!
It is a simple 'difference' formula. Altitude at 'a' altitude at 'b' Take 'a' from 'b' = displacement.
Well, calculating the area of a duct elbow is just like painting a happy little cloud. You start by finding the area of the two openings of the elbow, then add the area of the curved surface. Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents when you're working with numbers and shapes. Just take your time and enjoy the process.
-- Take the formula for the area of the circle in terms of the radius . . . A = (pi) R2-- Solve that formula for 'R'. You'll then have a formula for the radius in terms of the area,which is exactly what you're looking for.
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what is the take out of 6 inches pipe of a socket weld 90 degree elbow
what is the take out of 6 inches pipe of a socket weld 90 degree elbow
Measure to the center of the Ell and decuct for the threads ..
11 1/4
Short Radius 90 degree elbows are the same as pipe size.... Long Radius 90's are pipe size times 1.5.... so a 6" (SR) elbow is 6"... a 6" (LR) elbow would be 9"
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1-13/16"= The tangent of half the degree X the radius of the elbow.
In the area of industrial pipe fittings: Long radius 90 deg elbow has a take off dimension of one and one half times the nominal diameter of the pipe. Ex-4 inch pipe has an actual diameter of 4.5, for the elbow the take off dimension would be 4"*1.5=6". The short radius elbow take off dimension is the same as the nominal size, 4". To add to the point, a short radius elbow can be used typically where space is a constraint. Hence fluid flow is also restricted in this case unlike in case using of Long Elbow.
for example : if we take a size of diameter 480mm fabricated pipe of wall thickness 3mm from this we going make a elbow by formula CMof Circle X required degree by 360 X 2 X no .of cut needed = 1520 X 90 / 360 X 2 X 3 = 64mm make a divde four lines on pipe mark of line of half of diameter = 220mm in two lines next to next parallel mark 6.4 cm by one half to another half on both lines then u make cut it u will get elbow
The formula for "Take off" 45degrees elbow: 1.) For Metric: N.P.S. x 5/8 2.) For Imperial: N.P.S. x .625 Formula for travel of 45 degrees: Run x Cosecant 45degrees = Run x 1.4142 =