

What is the total degree in all the angles of a trapezoid?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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7y ago

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360 degrees.

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Q: What is the total degree in all the angles of a trapezoid?
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How many angles in a trapezoid?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral and like all quadrilaterals it will have a total sum of 360 degrees of interior angles.

Are all angles in a trapezoid congruent?

No, not all angles in a trapezoid are congruent. A trapezoid may have two pairs of congruent angles, or may have no congruent angles.

What do the angles inside a trapezoid add up to?

For all trapezoids, and indeed all quadrilaterals, the total of inside angles is 360°.

What is the degrees of a trapezoid?

The four interior angles of a trapezoid add up to 360 degrees

A trapezoid has 2 right angles what is the sum of the two remaining angles?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral. All quadrilaterals have four angles whose sum is 360 degrees. If two of the angles are right angles, that accounts for 180 degrees of the total. Therefore, the other two angles must total 180 degrees as well.

If a trapezoid has a one hundred degree angle and a sixty-five degree angle and a seventy-five degree angle what is the measure of the fourth angle?

This is not a trapezoid. For all trapezoids (in plane Geometry), the two sets of side angles must be supplementary, or add to 180. No two angles given are supplementary.

What is all the angles of a trapezoid?

The 4 interior angles of a trapezoid add up to 360 degrees.

What do the angles of an isosceles trapezoid add up to?

All angles in any trapezoid add up to 360 degrees

Are all the base angles of a trapezoid congruent?

Only if it is an isosceles trapezoid otherwise no.

Can a trapezoid have more than 4 obtuse angles?

No, for two reasons. First of all, a trapezoid has only 4 angles, so you can't have 5 angles, or it would be a pentagon. Second of all, the maximum number of obtuse angles someone can have in a trapezoid is two.

Does a trapezoid diagonals bisect the angles?

not all

How many obtuse angles are there in a trapezoid?

well a trapezoid is a square (has four sides) in all different angles: there are 2 obtuse angles and 2 acute angles Hope it helps