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c = 4, c squared = 16, 3c squared = 48, 48 + 9 = 57.

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Q: What is the value of expression 3c2 plus 9 when c equals 4?
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You can find them at there is an option to buy online even for that

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it means combinatorial or combination, you use the formula nCr = n!/((n-r)! x r!). example 5c3 = 5! / ((5-3)! x 3!) = 5! / (2! x 3!) = (5x4x3x2x1) / ((2x1) x (3x2x1)) = 10

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1 x 231, 3 x 77, 21 x 11, 33 x 7. Add the digits and you get 6, which means it is divisible by 3. (3 x 77) 77 has two prime factors, 7 and 11. So you can multiply any combination of the factors to get 231. 3C2 (3 choose 2) in Pascal's triangle is 3, which means there are three possible combinations. Oh, yeah, and you can always just do 1 x 231.

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If the probability of winning with one lottery ticket is P(W) = 1/(179 x 106) and is independent of the number of tickets sold, and you buy 3 tickets, then you have:The probability of not winning (loosing) of one ticket is P(L) = 1 - 1/(179 x 106).The probability of all 3 tickets loosing is P(3L) = [P(L)]3 = [1 - 1/(179 x 106)]3 =0.999999983...The probability of two loose one win is P(2L1W) = 3C2 [P(L)]2 P(W)P(2L1W) = 3[1 - 1/(179 x 106)]2∙[1/(179 x 106)] = 1.675977635... x 10-8 == 1/(5.966666733... x 107), which is about 1 in 59.7 million.The probability of one loose two win is P(1L2W) = 3C2 P(L) [P(W)]2P(1L2W) = 3[1 - 1/(179 x 106)][1/(179 x 106)]2 = 9.363003599... x 10-17 == 1/(1.068033339... x 1016), which is about 1 in 10 680 333 billion, (≈ 1 in 10.7quadrillion).The probability of three win is P(3W) = [P(W)]3 = [1/(179 x 106)]3 == 1.743576099... x 10-25 = 1/(5.735339... x 1024), which is about 1 in 5.7 septillion.

How do you find the apothem of a hexagon with only the side length?

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