The volume of a cube is the length of an edge times itself and times itself again.
X= Length of an edge
Volume is X*X*X or X3
Each edge is 4 units in length.
20.946% by volum.
they are volum,varaety,variation and visibility.
Volum = length * width * height. Say your box is 1 m long, 1 m wide and 1 m high. The volum = 1m*1m*1m = 1m3
the quetion is wrong, are asking about length...or volum?
The volum is similar, the mass is different.
In the US its by the gallon or by the cubic foot. Most of the world uses the liter.
Reinforced Cement Concrete is called RCC.
I Have a volum of as Milne book have not seen it online where can I find out what it looks like