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Q: What is two whole number and a half number minus a half number?
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Related questions

If two is called a whole number what is two and a half called?

Two and a half would be called a mixed number, because it has a whole number and a fraction.

What does seven and one half minus two and one fifth equal?

A number.

Is minus two thirds an integer?

-2/3 is not an integer because it is not a whole number

What is one whole minus two fifth?

One whole minus two fifths is three fifths.

What is four minus one and a half?

Four minus one and a half is two and a half: 4 - 1.5 = 2.5

What is six thirds minus one half?

Six thirds is two. Two minus one half is one and a half. 2 - 0.5 - 1.5

What is negative two and one half minus one half?

It is: -2.5 minus 0.75 = -3.25

What are two consecutive whole numbers that are equal to 20.5?

Not possible, two whole numbers can't equal to a number with a half.

What is negative two-thirds minus two?

neg 2 and two thirds -2 2/3 in a mixed number the neg sign is for both the whole number and the fraction

Is 2.2 an integer?

Yes.But -22 (minus twenty two) IS an integer

What is two and one-half as a whole number?

well rounded it would be 3

What are halves of whole numbers?

well half of any number would be that number divided by two. ex. half of 25=12.5 or half of 100=50