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Two and a half would be called a mixed number, because it has a whole number and a fraction.

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Q: If two is called a whole number what is two and a half called?
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What are two consecutive whole numbers that are equal to 20.5?

Not possible, two whole numbers can't equal to a number with a half.

What is two and one-half as a whole number?

well rounded it would be 3

What are halves of whole numbers?

well half of any number would be that number divided by two. ex. half of 25=12.5 or half of 100=50

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What is two thirds rounded to A whole or a half?

2/3 to the nearest whole number is 1 2/3 to the nearest half is 1/2

What is the difference between a whole number and a not whole number?

A whole number does not include a fraction or decimal part. For example, 3, 107, -9 and zero are whole numbers. 2.1, -17,4528765 and two-and-a-half are not whole numbers.

A whole number that has more than two divisors is?

Called a composite number.

What is a number greater than one that has more than two whole number factors called?

This is called a composite number.

Is whole numbers are closed under division?

No, whole numbers are not closed under division. It is possible to divide one whole number by another whole number and get a result which is not a whole number, for example, 1/2. One divided by two is a half.

What is it called when two cells form each with half the number of chromosomes. Each chromosome still has two chromatiids?

Each half is called a sister chromatid.

How do you you round to the nearest half or whole number?

To round to a whole number you're going to round to the nearest number with no decimal. For a half number you will have a number that ends in .5 or with no decimal.Examples;56.893 rounded to the nearest whole number is 5756.893 is closest to 56 and 57. It is .893 away from 56, but is only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearest whole number.56.893 rounded to the nearest half number is also 57The two half numbers that are near 56.893 are 56.5 and 57, but 56.893 is .393 away from 56.5 and only .107 away from 57 so, 57 is the nearer whole number.3.389 rounded to the nearest whole number is 33.389 rounded to the nearest half number is 3.5