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Q: What is vertical and horizonal intergrartion?
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Are words written the same vertical and horizonal? this y o y o

Which variable always goes on the horizonal axis of line graph?

The x axis is horizontal; the y axis is vertical

Is the milky way tilted or horizontal?

You cannot truly say that it is either. Vertical and horizonal are relative terms. The Milky Way floats ins space, where there is not defined up or down, and therfore no horizontal or vertical.

If a newly created chart appears to have the data on the vertical and horizonal axes switched what charting feature can fix this mix-up?

Switch Row/Column.

What instrument measures tiny vertical or horizonal movements of markers set up on the opposite sides of a fault?

A Creep Meter is a device that can measure tiny vertical or horizontal movements of markers set up on the opposite sides of a fault.

Does horizonal mean across?

Yes, horizontal refers to something that is oriented or positioned perpendicular to the vertical axis, usually going left to right or across.

Horizonal rows are called?

Just rows? Vertical ones are columns. In HTML they are <tr> 's, if that's what you mean. Seeing you tagged it as chemistry, you may mean in the priodic table? Those are called periods.

What is the slope of a horizonal line?


What do the letter x and y stand for in science?

"X" is the vertical line on a mathematical/scientific or geographical graphAnd, "Y" is the horizontal line

Horizonal layer of soil is called what?

A Horizon

What word is the correct spelling horizonal or horizontal?
