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The straight horizontal line would indicate constant speed.

(NOT constant velocity. The velocity could very well be changing, but the graph

doesn't tell you anything about the direction of the motion, only that the speed

is constant.)

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Q: If a graph shows time on the horizonal axis and speed on the vertical axis a straight horizontal line across the graph would indicate?
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In a graph showing time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis What would a straight horizontal line indicate?

The line would indicate motion at a constant speed.

A straight horizontal line across the graph would indicate?

The straight horizontal line on a graph is referred to as the x-axis. The vertical line on a graph is the y-axis.

If a gragh shows time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis a straight horizontal line across the gragh would indicate what?

A constant speed.

If a graph shows time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis a straight horizontal line across the graph would indicate?

constant speed

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The x axis is horizontal; the y axis is vertical

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You cannot truly say that it is either. Vertical and horizonal are relative terms. The Milky Way floats ins space, where there is not defined up or down, and therfore no horizontal or vertical.

A graph has time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis a straight horizontal line across the graph would indicate what?

The given speed is constant for the given period

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Constant speed ... zero acceleration.

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If a graph shows time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis a straight horizontal line across the graph would indacate?

that would indicate that the object is at rest (static object) :D

Does horizonal mean across?

Yes, horizontal refers to something that is oriented or positioned perpendicular to the vertical axis, usually going left to right or across.

If a graph shows time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis straight horizontal line across the graph would indicate what?

The straight horizontal line on the graph says: "Whatever time you look at, the speed is always the same". This is the graph of an object moving with constant speed.