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Q: What kind of quadrilateral with 4 square corners can you make with two small triangles and a small square?
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How many small triangles can cover a square?

It depends entirely on the size of the triangles and the size of the square.

Can you make a square without any triangles from a tangram?

Without the triangles of a tangram all that is left is the parallelogram and the small square. So using only the small square yes (the small square itself), otherwise with the square and the parallelogram from a tangram no.

What shape does 2 large triangles plus 2 small triangles make?

The answer depends on the shapes and sizes of the triangles. I can make a big triangle, a quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, etc up to 12 sides.

What are the shapes that make up the tangram?

2 small triangles 1 med. triangle 2 large triangles 1 parallelogram and a square

How do you make a square out of tangrams?

First you put both of your big triangles together to form a bigger triangle which is eventually half of the square and then to make the other half you you need to put one of your small triangles in the middle so that the point of it will be touching the point of the bigger triangles you put in be also the side of your small triangle will need to be on the triangle that your havingbe your bottom and then you get your small square and and put it against the other side of the small triangle but also on the big triangle that is going to be the side of the square and then put your other small triangle against the small square but put it upside down so that there will be part of the top and then put your parrellelogram upright by the small triangle that has its point by the big triangles and then last but not least put your last small triangle in the corner to finish the top and side of your square.this is one way you can make a square out of tangrams.but there is seven more not counting this way.

Is there a way to make a parallelogram using tangram pieces?

yes,take 2 big triangles.then,take 2 small triangles and a square. first on the right put a triangle facing like a hill.on the left do it the opposite way then put the square in the middle of the 2 triangles and take the 2 small triangles and put them in the middle 2

If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles if it is a parallelogram?

If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles if it is a parallelogram?

How many triangles will the diagonals make inside the square?

For a square with side S. There will be the 4 small triangles each with sides {S/sqrt(2),S/sqrt(2),S}. Then also you can 'see' 4 larger triangles, each with sides {S,S,S*sqrt(2)}

How do you make a decorative origami heart?

Have a rectangular piece of paper, where the width is twice the length of the height.Since that rectangle can also be seen as two adjacent squares, fold one corner of the rectangle diagonally to the opposite side, so you have a triangle and a square. Unfold that, then do the same to the other corner so an "X" crease appears on one of the squares. Do the same to the other square.Now that the rectangle has two X's, fold from under the X's toward the center of the rectangle to fold the 2 squares into 2 layered triangles.Each triangle has 2 corners touching 2 corners of the other triangle. Fold each of those 2 corners of each triangle to its third corner. (Now you should have 4 small triangles forming 2 small squares, 2 other small squares, and still 2 triangles forming the biggest square.)Open each small triangle formed from the bigger triangles' flaps up to form 4 little flaps. Push the 4 little flaps down to form 4 squares that meet at the center to form another square.Fold each side of the small square to the closest diagonal crease, unfold that, then open those flaps into what shape like 8 tiny kites.Flip the square over, and fold one of the square's corners done toward the center.Finish touches. Now, you should have a heart with a "flower" on top. :DSee the related link "Instructables" below for more info with pictures.

How do you make a 5 piece tangram hexagon?

All you have to use is the five triangles. The two large triangles make a square in the middle, the two small triangles make a large triangle on one side and the middle triangle on the other side.

If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles?

If you draw a single square, and then put one X through it, you have 4 triangles. Put another X through it and you have 8. Now, if you want to make four triangles, simply remove the two diagonal lines in the center, and it will create four triangles. Now, since they're separated by the other triangles, it would mean removing four lines, but that is still your answer.

When I divide a large right triangle into two small right triangles will the hypothenuses of the two small triangles equal the hypothenuse of the large triangle?

No but the sum of the squared sides will equal the square of the hypotenuse using Pythagoras' theorem for a right angle triangle