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All you have to use is the five triangles. The two large triangles make a square in the middle, the two small triangles make a large triangle on one side and the middle triangle on the other side.

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Q: How do you make a 5 piece tangram hexagon?
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There can be 0 to 5 right angles, or 1 to 6 obtuse angles in a hexagon.

How do you make a 6 piece square tangram?

To make a 6 piece square tangram, you start with a square and cut it into five smaller pieces. The cuts should be made in a specific way to create a large triangle, a medium triangle, two small triangles, a square, and a parallelogram. These pieces can then be rearranged to form a larger square. The key is to ensure that all the pieces fit together perfectly to recreate the original square shape.

Do a hexagon have 5 sides?

No, a hexagon has six sides.

How many straws do you need to make a hexagon based prism?

18 straws.

Which have more sides hexagon or pentagon?

A hexagon has 6 sides and a pentagon has 5 sides

Which has more side hexagon or a pentagon?

The hexagon has more sides than a pentagon because the hexagon has sides while the pentagon has 5 sides. Hope that helped everyone stay safe bye!

Is a shape with exactly 5 sides a hexagon?

no. 5 sides = pentagon. 6 sides = hexagon

What is the area of a hexagon with 5 centimeter sides?

The area of a hexagon with 5 centimeter sides is 64.95cm2