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Length of Fencing needed = 2*pi*10 = 20*pi feet

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Q: What length of fencing should be purchased to enclose the entire circupar patio with a rafius of 10 feet?
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The entire law is now online and you can search it easily. It will tell you what the law actually does, as well as what it does not do. I enclose the link.

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Please see related link below: was obtained by going to => active legistlation on the right hand side => health care reform under "H" => text of bill

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Yes, it definitely was fake. It was meant to look like a documentary, but the entire thing was fictional. I enclose a link that explains the hoax and refutes it.

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That is the area. The perimeter is the measure around something, and it is relevant, among other things, to know how much fencing you need for a lot.

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It's very easy to read it. The entire bill has been online for over a year, and I enclose the link to it. It contains not only the bill but a summary of what it does (and what it does not do).

Can you read Obamacare hr3200 bill?

Yes you can. The entire bill has been online for months. It is fully searchable, and worth reading, so that you can see what it really says, as opposed to the many internet myths about it. I enclose the link.