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Find the Perimeter

P= 2(length) + 2(width) = 2(124) + 2(62) = 372 ft. of Fencing

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Q: The yard is 124 feet long and 62 feet wide. hany many feet of fencing does Melissa need to surround her entire yard?
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How many feet of fence to surround 135 acres?

If the area is square-shaped, you would need 2,425 feet of fencing.

What length of fencing should be purchased to enclose the entire circupar patio with a rafius of 10 feet?

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1 acre = 43,560 square feet. 5 acres = 217,800 square feet. That's a square 466.69 feet on a side. If you need to fence all 4 sides, then you need 1,866.76 feet of fencing.

How much electric fencing for 20 acres?

3,734 feet of fencing.

How many feet of fencing would it take to fence in 2 acres?

If the shape of the area is a square, it would take 1,181 feet of fencing for the perimeter. If the area is a circle, you will need 1,046 feet of fencing.

How many feet of fence to surround an acre?

An acre is 66 feet by 660 feet so 1,452 feet of fence would surround an acre.

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If the area is a square then a minimum of 1,104.4 feet of fencing would be needed.

What is the greatest rectangular area you can completely enclose with 100 feet of fencing?

625 square feet.. the area would be a square rectangle with 25 feet of fencing on each side.

How many feet of fencing would it take to fence a 15 feet by 30 feet pool?

Perimeter =2*Length + 2*Width =2*15 + 2*30 =90 feet of fencing