In terms of Geometry, a polygon with 1000 sides would be called an activagon as defined by the latin mathematical language. In terms of Chemistry, it would be a 3-D representation of a massive molecule called a Fullerene
1000 millilitres = 1 litre so 2000 millilitres = 2000/1000 = 2 litres. Simple!
A string of eight os and ls is called a
just always using Ds since they are 500, Cs are 100, and Ls are 50. the highest roman numeral though is M, which is 1000.
There ls this thing called a gun that helped a lot....
32.043 = (3 x 10) + (2 x 1) + (0/10) + (4/100) + (3/1000)
He had no children.
Laurence Stephen Lowry.That is his name
Pressure gradient A+LS
L. S. lowry was married to a lady called sharne
i have a lincoln ls i had to replace both sides our ball joints are on a spindle the hole arm it might be called a control arm
LS= Luxury Sedan