

What mathematical thing is Fibonacci famous for?

Updated: 2/24/2020
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16y ago

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Fibonacci was famous for making his Fibonacci Number Sequence. I goes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc.

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Q: What mathematical thing is Fibonacci famous for?
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What was Fibonacci's famous mathematical invention?

Fibonacci is most famous for his description of the number sequence, which in the 19th century was given the name 'Fibonacci numbers' . The sequence is made by starting with two ones, and adding them up, then to make every new term, the previous two terms need to be added together.

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Who was Leonardo Fibonacci?

Leonardo Fibonacci was the father and creator of the fibonacci sequence a very famous mathematic sequence

Why was Leonardo Fibonacci's invention important?

Fibonacci is famous for his contributions to number theory.

What mathematical discoveries did Fibonacci make?

Fibonacci, also known as Leonardo of Pisa, made several notable mathematical discoveries. His most famous work is the introduction of the Fibonacci sequence, a series where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. He also introduced the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, which is now widely used around the world, replacing Roman numerals. Additionally, Fibonacci made significant contributions to number theory, algebra, and the study of irrational numbers.

How would one describe a Fibonacci number?

A Fibonacci number, Fibonacci sequence or Fibonacci series are a mathematical term which follow a integer sequence. The first two numbers in Fibonacci sequence start with a 0 and 1 and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.

What made Leonardo Fibonacci famous?

What made him famous was the fact that he discovered the Fibonacci Spiral which appears almost everywhere in nature

What is some information on Fibonacci?

He was a famous mathematician , Fibonacci was born in Pisa in 1175AD. He was famous for his number sequence all to do with nature and us.

Why is Fibonacci and his sequence important?

Fibonacci is important because he introduced the Arabic number system to Europe. His sequence is much less important - it is mainly a mathematical curiosity.

What animals did Fibonacci study the birth patterns of?

The famous Fibonacci sequence is supposedly based on rabbits.

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