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Q: What measure is used when comparing wages?
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How is a lever balance used to measure mass?

By comparing it to the weight of another mass.

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Cubic meters, liters, or cubic centimeters (equal to milliliters), depending on the amount of liquid you want to measure.

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A barometer is an instrument used to measure the atmospheric pressure. It does so by comparing the atmospheric pressure with a predefined standard pressure.

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What is value used for?

it is amount of acid neutralized per ml of tritrant solution.a titre value can be used as a measure of purity or for comparing the amount of vitamin C in different sources

What is titer value used for?

it is amount of acid neutralized per ml of tritrant solution.a titre value can be used as a measure of purity or for comparing the amount of vitamin C in different sources

How many btu are in an hour?

You are comparing apples and oranges. BTU's are a measure of heating capacity and hours are a measure of time.

How could you measure electrolytes in drinks?

You can measure electrolytes in drinks by first checking the temperature and then comparing it to the usage of electrolytes.

What are the procedures of auditing of salaries and wages?

The procedures for auditing salaries and wages include comparing how much each person makes with the amount of work they complete. Adjustments are made based on their overall performance and their benefit to the company.

Can you convert lumen to candle power?

Not directly, as you are comparing apples with oranges in two senses: (a) a lumen is an SI unit, whereas a candlepower is an Imperial unit, and (b) lumens are used to measure luminous flux, whereas candlepower is used to measure luminous intensity.

Are the same tools used to measure weight and mass?

mass is measured with a balance comparing an unknown mass with an object of known mass. weight is not measeured with the same tools as mass.