

What number always have 2 as a factor?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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even numbers

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Q: What number always have 2 as a factor?
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What number will always be a factor for a even number?

1 and 2

Is the gcf of an odd number and an even number is always even?

It CAN'T be even, since the number 2 is not a factor of the odd number. "Even" means that a number is a multiple of 2.

Why does an even times an even always equal an even answer?

Having a factor of 2 defines an even number. Multiplying anything that has a factor of 2 by anything else will create a product that has a factor of 2, which will be by definition an even number.

Why is the gcf of any even number always even?

By definition, every even number has 2 as a factor. That means that every set of even numbers will have at least 2 as a common factor. The GCF might be higher, but if it has 2 as a factor, it's even.

Is there any number that are always a factor?

The only number that is always a factor is 1. This is based on my assumption that there are no decimals in your answer.

Which number is always a factor?

The number 1.

Is it true that the gcf of an odd and an even number is always an odd number?

Yes. The odd number does not have 2 as a factor (or else the number would be even). So the gcf does not have 2 as a factor. So the gcf must be odd.

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Is 2 a factor of 889?

2 is not a factor of 889 because 889 is not even.

If a number is divisible by 4 what other number is it divisible by?

Short answer: 2 The only number by which a factor of 4 may always be divided (other than 4) is 2.

What is the smalest prime factor of 144?

The smallest prime factor of any even number greater than two will always be two (2).

Can two odd numbers have a greatest common factor that is an even number?

No. Because both numbers are even, they each have 2 as a factor. Even if they have a larger factor in common, it will be a multiple of 2, so the greatest common factor will be an even number.Yes. Two even numbers are each divisible by 2. The GCF must therefore always have two as one of its factors; this makes it even.