

Which number is always a factor?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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12y ago

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The number 1.

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Q: Which number is always a factor?
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Is there any number that are always a factor?

The only number that is always a factor is 1. This is based on my assumption that there are no decimals in your answer.

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What number will always be a factor for a even number?

1 and 2

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No, always odd.

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What number always have 2 as a factor?

even numbers

Why is a factor a factor of itself?

Because any number times one equals the original number. Therefore, one and the number itself will always be a factor pair of any given number.

When you factor out the greatest common factor if it is negative and the others are not?

The GCF will always be a positive number.

Is the greatest common factor factor of a odd number and a even number always even?

No, the GCF of 6 and 7 is 1.

Will the greatest common factor of an odd and even number always be even?

No, always odd.

What conversation factor is a fraction that is always equal to what number?

The answer is "1".