

What number is 1000 k?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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k is used to represent 1000, from the latin "kilo". However, it is also used to represent 1024 ( = 210) in information technology.

So, depending on the context, the answer is 1,000,000 or 1,024,000

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k, short for "kilo", means 1000. Just divide the number of meters by 1000.

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The 'K' stands for 'kilo,' as in kilograms. It's derived from Greek.When you put a 'K' after any number, it is multiplied by 1000.

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K is an abbreviation for kilo, which mean 1000.

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Remember K H D | d c m (kilo, hecto, deka, (liter, meter, gram), deci, centi, milli). These are the denominations you need to list when converting metric units. Grams are three places to the right of kilograms. So you have to move the decimal place three times to the right (same as multiplying by 1000). You will get 0.7 kg = 700 g.