

What number is 50 less than 72?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The number that is 50 less than 72 is 22

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Q: What number is 50 less than 72?
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The Answer is 2520 No it is not--- to find the answer first convert the % to a decimal so 36% would look like 36. and THEN move the decimal over 2 spaces to the left (this is just a rule to remember) 36% is the same as .36 Then simply multiply by the number given so 36% of 72 would look like .36 * 72 and the answer is 25.92 A tip to remember is that 100% of a number is THE SAME NUMBER so 100% of 72 is 72 So if you are looking for 36% (which is less than 100%) your answer will obviously be less than the original number (in this case less than 72)--so obviously the poster who says the answer is 2520 is incorrect same for the opposite direction--if you are looking for 200% (greater than 100%) of a number your answer will be GREATER than the original number--so usually on multiple choice math tests you can eliminate 2 of the options right off the bat by simply applying that tip to them.

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No. It can be neither. HCF is Highest Common Factor; a factor of a number is a number which divides into it with no remainder. Thus all factors are less than or equal to the number. 72 is greater than 6, therefore it cannot be a factor of 6, nor the Highest Common Factor of 6 and another number. LCM is Lowest Common Multiple; a multiple of a number is that number times some other number. Thus all multiples are greater than or equal to the number. 72 is less than 252, therefore it cannot be a multiple of 252, nor can it be the Lowest Common Multiple of 252 and another number. However, 6 is a factor of 72, thus 6 could be the HCF of 72 and another number, eg hcf(30, 72) = 6. But 252 is not a multiple of 72, so 252 could not be a LCM of 72 and some other number.

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Simplest . . . 1/9Mixed number . . . not possible, because 8/72 is less than ' 1 '.If you absolutely must have a mixed number, then it's 01/9 .

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