

What number is between a half and one?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What number is between a half and one?
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To get the number one-half of the way between you add the numbers together and divide by 2, leaving you with 5.35

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1 1/4

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It is .75 (or 3/4 in fraction form)

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you have to make a number line and show your work

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1 1/2 one and a half

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Three quarters of a number less one quarter of a number = two quartres, or a half of the number. A half of 76 = 76/2 = 38

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There are an infinite number of fractions between 0.5 and 1. This is because you can have an infinite number of digits in a fraction between any two numbers. 0.50000000000000001, 0.50000000000000002, etc.

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Halfway between one and a quarter and one and three quarters lies one and a half.

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There are an infinite number of fractions between any two numbers.

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The number half-way between 125 and 150 is (125 + 250) / 2 = 187.5.