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Three fourths is of EQUAL DISTANCE between them.

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Q: What number is between ONE HALF and 1 ON the number line?
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What number is halfway between one half and one on the number line?


How do you decide whether a fraction is between 0 and one half or between onehalf and one?

you have to make a number line and show your work

What number is halfway between one half and three fourths on a number line?

5/8 add both fractions up then divide by 2

Where does 0.375 belong on a number line?

0.375 is 3/8, which is halfway between one quarter (2/8) and one half (4/8).

Where does - 3 over 2 go on a number line?

-3/2=minus one-and one-half. Start at zero. Go left to halfway between one and two.

What is the difference between a ray and a half line?

A ray begins at an endpoint and extends in only one direction.A half line does not include the endpoint.

What number is between a half and one?


What is halfway between 1and a half and 1?

The number that is halfway between one and one half (1½) and one (1) is one and one quarter (1¼)

What is the definition of number line?

number line- a straight line on which there is indicated a one-to-one correspondence between points on the line and the set of real numbers. basically a line with numbers on it.

What are some negative integers between a positive one on the number line?

There are no negative integers between positive ones on the number line.

Is three fourths closest to one half or a one on a number line?

It is equal distance from both.

Is one fourth closer two zero one half or one?

One fourth is closer to zero than it is to one half. This can be understood by looking at the number line - one fourth is located closer to zero (0) than it is to one half (0.5). Mathematically, the difference between one fourth and zero is 0.25, while the difference between one fourth and one half is 0.25 as well.