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It is easier to tackle this by writing it in algebraic form:

2a - 9 = b

Where a is a number smaller than 40 and b is square.

There are way more numbers less than 40 than there are relevant square numbers, so it's best to solve this for a:

2a = b+9

a = (b+9)/2

b can be 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100...

If b is even, then (b+9)/2 will not divide evenly, so this limits us to 1, 9, 25, 49 and 81

For 81, (b+9)/2 = 45 which is more than 40, so b can only be 1, 9, 25 or 49.

Plugging these into the equation means that a can be 5, 9, 17 or 29

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Q: What number is smller than 40 when you double it and take away 9 you get a square number?
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