

What other numbers are fractions that is less than 1?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Any fraction where the numerator is less than the denominator your value is less than one.

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Q: What other numbers are fractions that is less than 1?
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Why is the quotient of two fractions less than 1 greater than both?

It need not be. The numbers 1/2 and (-1/2) are both fractions less than 1 but their quotient is -1, which is less than both the fractions.

Is it true that when you multiply two natural numbers the product is never less than either of the two numbers?

Yes. Natural numbers are counting numbers, equal to or greater than 0. The only ways a product can be less than its multiplicands is when multiplying fractions by fractions or multiplying a positive number by a negative number.

Fractions less than half?

The possibilities of the division of numbers are infinite. Like colors, numbers are endless. Examples of fractions less than half are 1/3, 1/4, 1/16, 2/16, 3/16 etc.

What are regular fractions?

Regular fractions are the fractions with a numerator that is less than the denominator and irregular fractions are fractions with a denominator less than the numerator.

Is fractions bigger than numbers?

Uh . . . . . .no a fraction is less than a whole like a decimal. a number a whole. Therefore a fraction is less than a number.

Why do numbers get smaller when multiplied by fractions less than 1?

If you multiply by 1 they stay the same. If you multiply by more than 1 they increase. Fractions less than 1 are less than unity so the products decrease because you are only taking a fraction of the number.

Are fractions with whole numbers larger than a regular fraction?

Mixed numbers are larger than proper fractions.

Are there more fractions than there are whole numbers?

There are an infinite number of both fractions and whole numbers.

What fractions are greater than 0 and less than 1?

Proper fractions.

What is 3.8 as a mixed number in simplest form?

Integers are whole numbers. Proper fractions are less than one. Mixed numbers are improper fractions and are greater than one. They are distinct categories.

When is the product of two fractions less than its factors?

If the fractions are both proper fractions ... equivalent to less than 1 ... thenthat's always true ... the product is always less than either factor.