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Q: What percent of the entitlement budget went to retired workers?
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The large federal deficits of the Reagan years were due mainly to?

increases in the defense budget and steady spending on social welfare and entitlement programs.

What do you hope happens in the next budget comes?

I do hope that they rise the hourly rate for workers in the next coming budget.

What percent of the total federal budget is spent on FEMA relative to other programs?

FEMA spends about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies. :)

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Housing represents what percent of the monthly budget of most Americans?

65 percent

What does it mean if a project has a Percent Spent of 90 percent Percent Scheduled of 85 percent and a percent Complete of 95 percent?

The project is in good shape and should finish early and within budget

This is the Reed family budget. What percent of the expenses are spent on gifts and donations?

I am unable to se the budget, therefore I cannot tell the percent of the expenses that are spent on gifts and donations.

Is Steven Speilberg retired?

idk but hes probably off blowin some tranny in a budget inn for quarters

What percent of federal budget is spent on?

About 1% of the federal budget is spent on welfare (2% if food stamps are included).

What is the cost of federal government entitlement programs?

From the data that I have seen, the cost of entitlements (i.e. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade) make up about 50% of the annual budget of $3 Trillion

How much of the federal budget can be classified as uncontrollable?

80 percent