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Polygons with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 or 16 sides.

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Q: What polygon can you make with 2 squares?
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Related questions

How many squares are there in a polygon?

There are an infinite amount of squares in a polygon.

Is a polygon a square?

Squares are polygons, but not all polygons are squares.

What shapes can you make from two squares.?

Depending on the sizes of the two squares, their orientation, and the extent of their overlap, anything from a square to a 16-sided polygon.

Polygon where the diagonals are always perpendicular?


What polygon has four angles?

squares and rectangles...

How do you make 4 squares from 5 squares moving 2 sticks?


What kind of polygon has 2 pairs of equal sides but is not a parallelogram?

A kite or a trapezoid.(Rectangles, rhombuses, and squares AREparallelograms.)

Which polygon will tessellate by itself?

Triangles, squares and hexagons.

How many degrees in a polygon?

In a polygon that does not include Quadrilaterals (Squares and Rectangles) I think there are 180 degrees in a Polygon. Although squares and rectangles are polygons, so I do not know why they have 360 degrees. ???Polygons have different numbers of sides. To find out how many degrees are in the polygon, use the formula 180(n-2) n=the number of sides in that polygon. So a square has 4 sides. 180(4-2), or 180 x 2=360 degrees in a square. A triangle has 3 sides, 180 (3-2) or 180 x 1=180 degrees in a triangle.

A polygon is divided into 8 congruent squares The area of the polygon is 72 feet what is the perimeter?


What do 2 squares make?

A rectangle.

What polygon has two diagonals?

Squares, and rectagles have two diogonals.