

What polygon has the opposite angles equal?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What polygon has the opposite angles equal?
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Is opposite angels of a polygon equal to each other?

They may, or may not, be equal. If you are talking about a regular polygon, all angles are equal in measure. If it is not a regular polygon, the angles are most likely different.

Is a rhombus a regular polygon?

No. A regular polygon has equal length sides and all the angles are equal. A rhombus has equal length sides, but only the opposite angles are equal. Since all the angles are not equal, the rhombus is not a regular polygon and is known as an irregular polygon.

Who many angles does a Irregular polygon have?

an irregular polygon is a polygon that is the opposite of a regular polygon in a regular polygon the sides are the same and the angles are the same and irregular is the opposite.

What polygon with opposite side equal and four right angles?

square * * * * * Not necessarily. It could be a rectangle.

What is the name of the polygon in which only opposite sides are equal in length with 4 right angles?

It is a Rectangle

Is a rhombus an irregular polygon?

no it is not; all angles have to be congruent as well to be a regular polygon, and a rhombus doesn't have to have all congruent angles.However, a rhombus is a polygon.Neither because a rhombus is a 4 equal sided quadrilateral with 2 equal opposite acute angles and 2 equal opposite obtuse angles.Yes

What is a polygon with sides of equal length and angles equal mesures called?

A polygon with sides of equal length and equal angles is termed a regular polygon.

What are all the shapes that have opposite angels congruent?

Any regular polygon with an even number of sides will have opposite angles of equal measure.

Does a regular polygon have equal angles and unequal sides?

A regular polygon has equal angles AND sides.

What is a polygon with equal sides and equal angles?

A regular polygon

What is a polygon which has equal sides and equal angles is?

A REGULAR Polygon.

What is a polygon that has equal sides and equal angles?

A Regular Polygon.