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A rectangle has four 90-degree angles.

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Q: What property describes the difference between a parrallelogram a rectangle?
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Why is a square a rectangle and a rectangle not a square?

A square is a rectangle, with the additional property of having four equal sides.

What type of property of a pure substance describes how that substance might from a new substance?

this describes a chemical property

Which is not a property of every rectangle?

It has five sides.

What is a property that describes how something feels with 7 letters?

Texture is a property that describes how something feels.

What is 1 propertie of a rectangle?

One property of a rectangle is that all angles of the figure are right angles.

The only four sided shape with four right angles is a square?

This is false. A rectangle has that property as well. Squares and rectangles have 4 sides and 4 right angles (90 degrees). The difference is that a square has 4 equal sides, while a rectangle does not.

What property of a wave describes how often it occurs?

It's "period"

What are the similarities of a square and rectangle?

For a start, a square IS a rectangle, so it has ALL the properties of a rectangle. A square has the additional property that all of its sides have the same length.

When can a rectangle be classifeid as a square?

A square is a rectangle, with the additional property of having all four sides the same length.

What is the difference between crystal and luster?

Luster is a property of minerals that describes their appearance. A crystal is the structure that minerals possess due to the arrangement of their atomic particles.

What is a mineral property that describes the way light reflects from the mineral?

The property that describes a mineral's surface shines is called luster.