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If the triangles are congruent and you match the hypotenera the right way,

you can get a rectangle.

If the triangles are not congruent, you can't even necessarily get a quadrilateral.

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Q: What quadirlateral is formed by 2 right scalene triangles?
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What are right angled scalene triangles?

Right triangles have one right angle. Scalene triangleIs have sides of unequal length. Right scalene triangles combine those aspects.

Are all scalene triangles acute triangles?

No, scalene triangles can be obtuse, right or acute triangles. A 3 - 4 -5 right triangle (lengths of the sides) is one example of a right-scalene triangle. In fact, with the exception of the [45°, 45°, 90°] right triangle (which is isosceles) all other right triangles are scalene.

What triangles are formed when you draw a line down the middle of an equilateral triangle?

an icoceles triangle or a scalene triangle Actually you would get two right angled triangles. Isosceles triangles have two sides which are equal in length. A scalene triangle has all sides a different length and no right angles.

Are some scalene triangles also right triangles?


When one diagonal is drawn in a rectangle what type of triangles are formed?

Two right angle triangles, normally scalene triangles. However, if the rectangle is for example a square, then it would be two isosceles triangles.

What are the classification of triangles?

Equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right angle triangles.

Do scalene triangles have a right angle?

They can but don't have to.

Which types of triangles can be formed by taking the cross-section of a cube?

Equilateral, Isosceles or Scalene. For the latter two they could be acute or right angled

What traingle don't have a right angle?

Triangles without right angles are:- Scalene triangles Obtuse triangles Isosceles triangles Equilateral triangles

What is three types of triangles?

They are: right angle, isosceles and equilateral triangles There are also scalene and obtuse triangles

How many right angles in a scalene triangle?

Any triangle can have a maximum of one right angle. Most right triangles are scalene triangles. The only non-scalene right triangle is a 45° - 45° - 90° isosceles right triangle. It is not possible to have an equilateral right triangle in plane geometry. A scalene triangle does not have to have a right angle, but it can have one.

What are the different types of triangles?

scalene, equalateral , isosceles, right