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They can but don't have to.

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Q: Do scalene triangles have a right angle?
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What are right angled scalene triangles?

Right triangles have one right angle. Scalene triangleIs have sides of unequal length. Right scalene triangles combine those aspects.

What are the classification of triangles?

Equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right angle triangles.

What traingle don't have a right angle?

Triangles without right angles are:- Scalene triangles Obtuse triangles Isosceles triangles Equilateral triangles

What is three types of triangles?

They are: right angle, isosceles and equilateral triangles There are also scalene and obtuse triangles

How many right angles in a scalene triangle?

Any triangle can have a maximum of one right angle. Most right triangles are scalene triangles. The only non-scalene right triangle is a 45° - 45° - 90° isosceles right triangle. It is not possible to have an equilateral right triangle in plane geometry. A scalene triangle does not have to have a right angle, but it can have one.

Are the exterior angles of a scalene triangle always obtuse?

No, they are not always obtuse, because a scalene triangle can also sometimes be an obtuse triangle (meaning that one interior angle is obtuse), making one exterior angle acute. Scalene triangles also can be a right triangles (meaning that one interior angle is a right angle), which would make an exterior angle a right angle. Then also they can be acute triangles, in this case all 3 exterior angles are obtuse.

What are the kinds of triangles according to measure of their sides and angles?

They are: equilateral, isosceles, obtuse, scalene and right angle triangles

How do you classify triangles in two different ways?

Triangles are classed as: scalene, right angle, obtuse, isosceles and equilateral

What are the 6 types of triangles?

Acute, equilateral, isosceles, obtuse, right angle and scalene.

All kinds of triangles?

They are classified as: scalene, obtuse, right angle. equilateral and isosceles

What are the 4 different triangles called?

isosceles, scalene , equilateral, right angle triangle

Is it possible to draw a scalene triangle with a right angle?

All right-angled triangles are scalene with the sole exception of the 90-45-45 shape.