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Q: What role does the number one have when you are finding the factor of a number?
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Related questions

What is tree factor?

A factor tree is one way of notating the process of finding the prime factorization of a given number.

What does one use a factor tree for?

Factor tree are used to find factors of a number. It is one of the most preferred methods for finding factor of a number by many people. However, not everyone in every country knows about this method.

What number is in every factor?

One is a factor of every number.

Why is one a factor of any number?

One is a factor of any number, because any number can be evenly divided by one.

Is one a factor in every number?

yes it is a factor for every number.

If one number is a factor of another number will the greatest common factor will be the lesser number. explain?

If one number is a factor of another number, the greatest common factor will be the lesser number. Example: 3 and 9 3 is a factor of 9 3 is a factor of 3 There can be no higher factor of a number than the number itself. Therefore, the GCF of 3 and 9 is 3.

What kind of number has one factor?

The number one.

What is a number that is factor of every number?


Can the GCF of two numbers be greater that either of the numberd?

No. When finding the greatest common factor of two numbers, the factors of each number must divide that number "evenly", which means that the quotient of that division must be an integer. If a "factor" of a number were larger than that number, the quotient would be less than 1, and so the "factor" wouldn't actually be a factor because it doesn't divide the number evenly. At the same time, one can "factor" 4 out of 2 and get 4*(1/2), but that isn't considered a factor in the usual sense.

How can a factor tree help find the prime factors of a number?

A factor tree is one way of notating the process of finding the prime factorization of a given number. 210 105,2 35,3,2 7,5,3,2 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210

How can you check if a number is a factor of the number?

Divide the smaller number into the bigger one. If the result is an integer, the first number is a factor of the second one.

Why is a factor a factor of itself?

Because any number times one equals the original number. Therefore, one and the number itself will always be a factor pair of any given number.