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It might have been possible to answer the question had you provided some relevant information about the original and new figures. But since you have not bothered to provide that information, I cannot provide a sensible answer.

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Q: What scale factor was applied to the original figure to create the new figure?
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What is a line that a figure is flipped across to create a mirror imge of the original figure?

It is a line of symmetry

Transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure?

Scaling changes the size of a figure. If the scale factor is greater than 1, the figure is enlarged; if the scale factor is less than 1, the figure is reduced. I the scale factor is equal to 1, the figure's size is unchanged. If there is a centre of enlargement, the new figure can be drawn exactly by multiplying the distance of every point from the centre of enlargement, multiplying this by the scale factor and drawing the new point at this distance from the centre of enlargement. (For a polygonal figure, only the vertices need be measured and the lines between the vertices of the original figure drawn in). With a centre of enlargement, the scale factor can be negative. In this case, the distance to the new points is measured on the opposite side of the centre to the original points, so that it is a straight line form the original point, through the centre to the new point.

What is the length of image if the scale factor is 8 and the length of figure is 10yds?

Length of image = Length of original*Scale factor = 10*8 = 80 yards.

Which sequence of transformation produces an image that is not congruent to the original figure?

A translation of 4 units to the right followed by a dilation of a factor of 2

What does the scale factor between two similar figures tell you about the given measurement perimeters?

Perimeter will scale by the same factor. Area of the new figure, however is the original figures area multiplied by the scale factor squared. .

Related questions

What is The original figure in a transformation?

It is the figure before any transformation was applied to it.

What is a line that a figure is flipped across to create a mirror imge of the original figure?

It is a line of symmetry

Suppose you copy a figure on a copier using the given size factor find the scale factor from the original figure to the copy in decimal form 150 percent?


How do you find the scale factor of dilation?

The scale factor is the ratio of any side of the image and the corresponding side of the original figure.

How does the size of an image compare to the original figure undergoes a dilation with a scale factor of one?

A scale factor of one means that there is no change in size.

Transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure?

Scaling changes the size of a figure. If the scale factor is greater than 1, the figure is enlarged; if the scale factor is less than 1, the figure is reduced. I the scale factor is equal to 1, the figure's size is unchanged. If there is a centre of enlargement, the new figure can be drawn exactly by multiplying the distance of every point from the centre of enlargement, multiplying this by the scale factor and drawing the new point at this distance from the centre of enlargement. (For a polygonal figure, only the vertices need be measured and the lines between the vertices of the original figure drawn in). With a centre of enlargement, the scale factor can be negative. In this case, the distance to the new points is measured on the opposite side of the centre to the original points, so that it is a straight line form the original point, through the centre to the new point.

What is the length of image if the scale factor is 8 and the length of figure is 10yds?

Length of image = Length of original*Scale factor = 10*8 = 80 yards.

What is the scale factor from an original figure to its image if the image is made using the given method?

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What multiplying factor would increase a quantity by 45 percent?

Multiply the original figure by 1.45 !

Which sequence of transformation produces an image that is not congruent to the original figure?

A translation of 4 units to the right followed by a dilation of a factor of 2

What does the scale factor between two similar figures tell you about the given measurement perimeters?

Perimeter will scale by the same factor. Area of the new figure, however is the original figures area multiplied by the scale factor squared. .

A transformation that proportionally reduces or enlarges a figure?

Scaling will proportionally reduce or enlarge a figure. The amount of scaling is given by the scale factor (greater than zero) If the scale factor is less than 1, the figure is reduced and it is sometimes called a contraction If the scale factor is greater than 1, the figure is enlarged, and it is called a dilation or enlargement. If a centre of enlargement is used, the distance of every point from the centre is multiplied by the scale factor. The scale factor can be negative in which case the distance to the new point is measured on the opposite side of the centre to the original point.