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triangular prism

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Q: What shape has 2 triangular faces at opposite ends plus 3 other rectangular faces?
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I have 5 flat faces. 2 of them are triangles. 3 of them are rectangular?

What figure has 2 triangular faces and 3 rectangular faces? The figure that has 2 triangular faces and 3 rectangular faces is known as a triangular prism. It looks like a standard two-pole tent, or the outer packaging of a bar of Toblerone.The object a triangular prism.

How many faces and edges does a tirangular prism have?

A triangular prism has five faces and nine edges. Two of the faces are triangular bases and the other three faces are rectangular.

What is a face on a triangular prism?

It is no different than on any other 3D figures. A face is a surface forming part of the outside of an object, such as "he examined all faces of the crystal." On a triangular prism, there are 5 faces. Two triangular faces on opposite ends, and thin 3 rectangular faces to connect them. To see what a triangular prism looks like, just google it on googleimages. ! :) :) :)

What shape has two triangular faces and two rectangular faces?

There is no such shape - unless there are other faces. If there is one rectangular face then you require at least four other faces - one on each edge of the rectangle - making a minimum of 5 faces.

What 3D shape has 5 faces two opposite faces that are triangles and the other faces are rectangles?

triangular prisom

What are the angles on a triangular prism?

There are normally three rectangular faces and so their angles are all right angles. But there are no restrictions on the angles of the triangular faces other than that they sum to 180 degrees.

What 3d shape has 2 opposite identical faces and some other faces which are parallelogram?

A skew triangular prism.

What is the formula of the cubiod?

Three pairs of parallel rectangular faces which are opposite each other.

Why is a cube a prism not a pyramid?

A cube, like a prism has two identical parallel faces which are joined by rectangular faces (a square being a special case of a rectangle). A pyramid, on the other hand, has a number of triangular faces meeting at an apex: a cube has no triangular faces.

What is the shape that is triangular base and 3 other triangular faces?

Triangular Pyrimid

What is it called when a shape has two identical triangular faces the other three faces are rectangle?

It is a triangular prism.

How many parallel planes are in a triangular prism?

One pair because opposite cross-section faces are parallel to each other.