

What shape has 4 sides and 2 parellel sides?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Rectangle, Square, Parallelogram

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Q: What shape has 4 sides and 2 parellel sides?
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This 4 sided shape has 2 parellel sides?

A trapezoid is a shape that has 4 sides and 2 parallel sides. The sides that are parallel are called the bases.

What 4 sided shape has 2 parellel sides?

A square, a rectangle, a rhombus, or a parallelogram.

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4 sided shape that has parellel sides?

Paralellagram, Square or Rectangle

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A Rhombus

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they have 4 sides of equal lenght and they have 2 pairs of parellel sides

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A quadrilateral is a 2D shape that has 4 sides

What has 4 congruent sides and its opposite sides are parellel?

parallelogram. also squares. which are parallelograms

What shape has 2 sides and is parallel?

For a shape to have parallel sides it needs at least 4 sides

What does a kite shape have to havve to be a shape?

4 sides, 4 vertices, 2 equal angles, 2 pairs of equal sides