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Q: What shape has at least 4 faces that are triangles that come together in a point at the topwhat shape is that?
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What has 1 base with at least 3 lateral faces that are triangles?

A pyramid

What 3d figure havs 6 vertices two bases and 3 other faces and nine edges and at least 2 of my faces are triangles and I have 2 bases?

This would be a triangular prism.

What two solid figures that have at least one triangle as a face?

Two three-dimensional shapes that have at least one triangle as a face include a triangular prism and a pyramid. In a pyramid, the outer faces are triangles, and they come together at one point. A triangular prism is a type of prism with a triangular base.

What is a 3d shape with two triangular faces?

It doesn't exist. The least number of sides for a 3-D shape only made of triangles is 4.

How is a hexagonal prism alike to a hexagonal pyramid?

Both have at least one hexagonal face (base). Both have six faces that are topologically equivalent (either rectangles, or triangles).

How many triangles and trapezoids make a hexagon?

You need at least four triangles, or at least three trapeziums. Or two triangles and one trapezium.

What is the least number of triangles that a decagon can be cut into?

It is 8 triangles

What types of triangles have at least two acute angles?

All triangles need at least two acute angles

What is the least amount of triangles to make a trapezoid?

Two Isosceles triangles.__ ^/ / / |/ / / |V --

Do all triangles have at least 1 right angle?

only right tringles or HL triangles have at least 1 right angle

How many triangles have at least two equal sides?

equilateral triangles and isosceles ones

What shape faces on a dodecahedron?

A dodecahedron is a generic term which describes a 3-dimensional shape with 12 polygonal shapes. There are approx 6.4 million topologically different convex dodecahedra plus concave ones. There are at least three of these in which all faces are triangles. At the other extreme, it can be an endecagon (11-gon) based pyramid with 11 triangles. So a face can be any polygon with 3 to 11 sides.