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Two three-dimensional shapes that have at least one triangle as a face include a triangular prism and a pyramid. In a pyramid, the outer faces are triangles, and they come together at one point. A triangular prism is a type of prism with a triangular base.

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Q: What two solid figures that have at least one triangle as a face?
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The face of a triangle is the flat surface of the solid figure. _________________________________________________ A face is a side of a 3 dimensional figure. So, the number of faces a triangle would be 0.

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A circle * * * * * On the right lines but a circle is not a solid figure. How about a sphere?

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A tetrahedron is a solid figure with four flat surfaces that are triangles. Each face of a tetrahedron is a triangle, making a total of four triangular faces in the shape.

What solid has at least one triangular face?


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A cone

What solid figure has no faces?

All solid figures must have a face. The face need not be planar, but there must be at least one which forms the boundary between the solid and the rest of the universe.This is somewhat an issue of semantics. A sphere has no edges so some would not say the term face applies to it at all. It does have a surface and you can certainly define that as its face. The point being, it depends on how you define "faces" and it may depend on your context as well.