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a triangle

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Q: What shapes were the most common shapes for kites and why?
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What is the shape of a kite?

Kites come in different shapes, but the most common is a diamond.

What is the most common shape of kite?

Kites come in many different shapes, but the most common shape is the diamond.

Are kites rectangles?

no because kites are many shapes and sizes. so no kites are not always a rectangle.

What shapes were most common and why on early kites?

Triangle is still the most common. The shape cuts into the wind with little to no resistance and then spans out to create lift. This also gives the kite direction. Airplanes have the same general shape.

What shapes are always kites?


What geometric shapes are considered kites?


What are the most common polygon shapes?

The most common polygon shapes are as follows:TriangleQuadrilateralPentagonHexagonOctagon

Do kites have four sides?

yes kites have four sides ***************************************************************** Answer 2: A traditional diamond-shaped kite has 6 sides (don't forget the front side and the back side). But when drawn as a geometric figure a diamond kite has 4 sides. There are many other shapes for kites, from pentagonal and polygonal kites, delta kites, figural kites (in the shapes of fish, birds, dragons, etc.), box kites, and more, so the answer to your question would depend on the type of kite. Perhaps a more challenging question would be how to find the area of a kite, given that the edges (sides) on most kites are not of equal length.

Do all kites need a point at the top?

No, kites come in all shapes and sizes. See Related links.

A kite is always a parallelogram?

Most kites are (its common). But there are other kites that are a different shape. The ones with a different shape are usually a bigger size.

Do some 4 sided shapes have no right angles?

Yes, loads of them, like most trapezoids, kites and diamonds, to name a few.

What shapes longer diagonal bisects shorter diagonal?

Kites, arrowheads.