4,683,001, 4,683,002, 4,683,003
Pick any three from 4,682,500 to 4,683,499
There are no "these" numbers. 1456400, rounded to the nearest thousand is 1456000
25,734 rounded to the nearest thousand is: 26,000. The nearest ten thousand would be: 30,000. In this case both get rounded up because the numbers are 5 or above.
It is already rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. You can't round a number to itself.
Rounded to the nearest tens it is 1270 Rounded to the nearest hundred it is 1300 Rounded to the nearest thousand it is 1000
7687 rounded to the nearest ten is 7690. 7687 rounded to the nearest hundred is 7700. 7687 rounded to the nearest thousand 8000.
Any number between 15,650,000 and 15,749,999 will round to 15,700,000 when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand.
One thousand of them - to the nearest thousand, Two thousand of them - to the nearest two thousand, Four thousnad - to the nearest four thousand None - to the nearest whole number.