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Q: What triangle has 4 triangular faces and one face is a triangle?
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What has 5 faces and one triangle?

There is no pentahedron with only one triangular face.

Does a triangular pyramid have triangles on all faces?

No. I has 3 triangle faces and one square face.

Do pyramids have triangular faces?

All but one face must be triangular. The base can be any polygon, including a triangle.

What figure has one rectangular face and two pairs of congruent triangle faces?

triangular prism

What two solid figures that have at least one triangle as a face?

Two three-dimensional shapes that have at least one triangle as a face include a triangular prism and a pyramid. In a pyramid, the outer faces are triangles, and they come together at one point. A triangular prism is a type of prism with a triangular base.

How many face are on a triangular pyramid?

4 faces. The number of faces on a pyramid is one more than the number of sides of the base. A triangle has 3 sides, therefore a triangular pyramid has 3 +1 = 4 faces.

What is a 3-dimensonal figure that has 4 vertices?

A triangular pyramid - one with four faces, each face being a triangle.

What is a three dimensional shape with five faces one face a rectangle the other a triangle?

The shape described is a triangular prism.

Which solid has 1 square face and 4 triangular faces?

The solid shape that has one square face and four triangular faces is called a pyramid. If you were to have a shape that had four triangular faces and no square face, it would be called a triangular pyramid.

How do you draw an octagon with triangular faces?

An octagon is a plane shape with just one face - an octagonal face! It cannot have triangular faces.

What is a shape that has triangle faces?

It is a hexahedron. There are several types of hexahedron, one of which is the cube. One having 6 triangular faces is a triangular dipyramid.

How many faces does a polyhydra triangle have?

There are several triangular polyhedra. The simplest is a tetrahedron with 4 faces, but you can have a triangular dipyramid (two tetrahedra stuck together along one face) which has 6 faces. Then there is the icosahedron with 20 faces. The tetrahedron and icosahedron are Platonic solids, but there are many more.