you find the prime factorization of 1008 and 1323 the find the numbers that match that are above each other or across the multiply all of them then you are done
you could multiply 84 by 10 = 840 then multiply 84 by 2 = 168 add these two numbers = 1008
there are many choices. Here are a few valid ones. 1*1008 2*504 4*252 8*126 16*63 1008 factors out to 24 * 7 * 9. Any combination of numbers that uses all of those factors would be valid (16 = 24 and 63 = 7*9 so it's valid)
It equals 1008, not more nor fewer.
1008 in Roman numberals is MVIII
There are 1000 grams in one kilogram. Therefore, 1008 grams is equal to 1008/1000 = 1.008 kilograms.